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Compositing work for feature film LANDAUER. The tasks included the integration of the actors into vintage 16mm archive material, rebuilding post-war munich architecture and stadium crowd replication. The first video is a compositing breakdown of some of the major shots I worked on. The second video is a VFX crowd breakdown from the LAVAlabs Moving Images Team for the Golaem Showcase.
Jewish Kurt Landauer considers leaving Germany on the eve of WW II, but when he sees his big love, the football club Bayern Munich, lying in ruins, he decides to take the risc, stay and rebuild the club.“
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Director: Hans Steinbichler
Cast: Josef Bierbichler, Jeanette Hain, Johannes Krisch i.a.
Release: 10/2014
Role: Digital Compositor
Software: Nuke
Production: Zeitsprung Pictures, BR
VFX House: LAVAlabs Moving Images
VFX supervisor: Rolf Muetze
Link: IMDb